


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The green coffee beans!


Do you want to lose weight without exercise? Well, the green coffee beans are one of the best options because it helps people burn fat without side effects! Green coffee bean is not a stimulant so it does not make you jittery and nervous and increase your heart rate such as roasted or Ephedra (Chinese herb for weight loss).
In fact, the green coffee bean is actually shown in some studies to help lower blood pressure - while boosting metabolism. The key ingredient in the green coffee bean is a very important natural active compound called chlorogenic acid, which acts by inhibiting the release of glucose in the body, while at the same time stimulate the metabolism or "burning" of fat in liver.
Because the green coffee bean is so bitter, the researchers recommend taking it in capsule form. The most recent study on green coffee beans was posted in diabetes, metabolic syndrome and the Journal of Obesity.
Much research has been done lately to find a way to contain the bomb that the obesity pandemic. With smoking, obesity is responsible for the majority of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cancer. The World According to Statistics Health Report 2012, one in six adults obese, one in 10 and one in three diabetic who raised blood pressure. Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO said: "This report is further evidence of the dramatic increase in conditions that trigger heart disease and other chronic diseases, especially in countries with low and middle income . In some African countries, up to half of the adult population suffers from hypertension.Would you mind answering some issues to help Improve translation quality?Google Translate for Business: Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hair Loss Prevention by Natural Methods

At some point, most adults will begin to experience hair loss to some degree. In fact, it is estimated that nearly two thirds of adult men will begin to see some form of hair loss, or "alopecia", at the age of 35 years. While hair loss may seem inevitable for those who have a family history of it, there are still things you can do to minimize the damage and prevent complete baldness. In fact, prevention of hair loss is actually quite simple and you can stop hair loss mainly if you make some changes.
The key to preventing hair loss is simply being proactive. The sooner you start fighting your hair loss, the more likely you are to stop it in its' tracks. Therefore, if you start to notice your hair thinning or falling out, you should immediately consult your doctor about ways to begin to fight back. prevention products are more effective when used at the first signs of thinning hair.
It is also essential that you know or not alopecia in your family. If your family has a long history between the men of the family, then it is even more important that you begin to immediately use the various tools of preventing hair loss to ensure that you can minimize the impact on your scalp. In addition, whether or not your family has a history of hair loss can help you to take appropriate preventive measures before they even begin to experience.
The first step in preventing your hair from falling out is to follow a healthy and balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables can provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals it needs to keep hair healthy and growing. Studies have shown that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids may also slow down and even stop hair loss if its "in the early stages. In fact, chemotherapy patients are often told to take omega-3 supplements because studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids may have a positive impact on the genesis of new hair follicles.
There are also a number of essential vitamins that can help prevent hair loss. Some of the most important for healthy hair vitamins:
Iron - Anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Iron can be found in meat, pumpkin seeds and eggs. If you are vegetarian, you can find a number of iron supplements that can provide the body with the iron it needs.
Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 (also called pyridoxine) is directly involved in the growth of hair follicles. You can find vitamin B12 in a number of meat such as beef or lamb, or just about any type of fish.
Biotin - Biotin is one of the most essential for hair growth vitamins, because it directly helps prevent hair thinning and prevents gray hair more. Biotin also helps to keep the scalp healthy and free from impurities.
Vitamin A - Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that maintains the natural oils from your skin as well as hundreds of other functions in the body. Most food sources meat vitamin A as well as eggs and fish. Vitamin A can also help prevent the follicles become brittle and easily damaged.
Vitamin E - Vitamin E is essentially the holy grail of the prevention of hair loss. Vitamin E helps the blood flow to the scalp, reduces impurities from the scalp and helps remove free radicals from the skin.
It is essential that adults reduce their stress levels as much as possible as well. Most of the time about 15% of your hair is in its final phase (no more growth). However, research has shown that stress can essentially "shock" the hair follicles, causing them to reach their level of mortality much faster. Worse, severe long-term stress has been shown to prevent the hair follicles to re-grow.
Exercise also has positive effects on the health of hair, because exercise helps to circulate the blood. This means that your hair follicles can receive more nutrients, which helps them grow stronger and faster. In addition, perspiration can purge toxins and impurities from the surface of the skin, which can clog pores and slow hair growth.
prevention of hair loss begins at home and do some of the things mentioned above can essentially stop hair loss in its tracks. " However, if you are still struggling with hair loss, there are a number of supplements and natural products available that can help prevent and even stop your hair loss before it is too late.
John MacNamara was one of the main researchers behind Procerin, the product loss prevention best selling hair, and is currently a consultant to the nutritional supplement industry. John is a former sufferer of hair loss in man himself. In his spare time, John likes powerlifting and competing in triathlons.

Body Odor: What Causes Body Odor And What Can Be Done To Reduce It

Body odor is mainly caused when the sweat produced by the apocrine glands is decomposed by bacteria that live on the surface of the skin. Apocrine sweat contains proteins and lipids that bacteria love to feed. The end result of this process are composed of waste in the form of sulphides, propionic and isoveric. Each is found in varying degrees in sweat, and each distinct smells that we associate most with body odor.
Sulfur compounds - tend to be similar to that of rotten eggs smell.
Proiponic acid - gives off a smell similar to vinegar.
Isoveric acid - has often been compared to the smell of old cheese.
In addition to the interaction between the sweat and bacteria, other factors that cause body odor from inside the body. For example, much of what you eat can play a role in how you feel. Foods contain many different types of compounds. Some foods tend to contain large amounts of sulfides are absorbed into the body as food is digested. These sulphides and y are outside the body through openings such as apertures in the skin and through the mouth.
Common causes of body odor
Now that we have established an overview of body odor, we will focus on specific contributors him. As we know, sweat and food are the main reasons that lead us to smell. However, to what extent it affects the body odor can vary greatly from one person to another. Other factors may include certain medical conditions as well.
Biological and genetic
Ethnicity - people of East Asian origin are inherently less apocrine sweat glands than other ethnic groups, and therefore less experience a problem with body odor. Obviously, if there are fewer apocrine sweat being produced, there is less material for bacteria decomposition malodorous compounds.
Hormonal changes - changes in hormone levels can affect how much a person sweats. Women going through menopause often have hot flashes which in turn causes more sweating.
A common side effect of many drugs and medicines sold is increased sweating. This is more common among antidepressants, antipsychotics and pain relief.
Stress and anxiety
When a person is under stress, the body's natural response is to increase perspiration. The reason for this is thought to be linked to a flight or fight response. Others assume that because sweat contains pheromones, it was used as a means to report signs of danger or distress to others nearby.
Medical Conditions
Illness and disease can alter a person's body odor. Scurvy can cause the body to smell like rotting flesh. Diabetes can be a fruity scent person and in some cases, such as ammonia. Trimethylminuria is a genetic disease in which trimethylamine compound is not metabolized properly, and the result is a fishy odor. PKU is a liver disease that can cause a person to have a musty old smell.
That can help reduce the causes of body odor
Deodorants and antiperspirants
The most common method to control body odor and sweat with roll on, stick and spray deodorants and antiperspirants. These products work by controlling the surface bacteria and sweat production. Alcohol is the most commonly used ingredients such as antimicrobial agents. In the case of preventing perspiration, salts containing aluminum such as aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum are used zircronium. As they are dissolved in sweat, they form a barrier over which sweat glands in turn prevents the sweat to be discharged to the surface of the skin.
Chlorophyllin supplements
Chlorophyllin has been used as deodorant for a long time. It works inside by binding to compounds that cause odors and neutralize them before they are issued by the body. It also has the added advantage of working to reduce breath odor and foot odor as well.
Breathable clothing
Wear clothing that allows air to pass through easily help to cool the body and reduce sweating. Clothing made from natural fabrics or designed for sportswear tend to be most effective. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester tend to trap heat and make you sweat more.
Eat your vegetables
It is not strictly vegetables that reduce body odor, but foods rich in sulfur compounds completing vegetables will. As mentioned previously, foods that contain high amounts of sulfur compounds tend to cause body odor. Balancing your diet with vegetables and starches good, it will limit the amount of intake of sulfur.